Monday, February 22, 2010

Talk: Optical Fiber Communication, Wed. @ 12:30, 2nd Fl. Kavli Bldg.



1.  Wednesday's Talk
2.  New Feature


1. Talk


Optical Fiber Communication by Zafar Yasin

Due to past few decades of research and development in the field of Optical Fibers, it is now a reliable and enormous data transfer rate capable transmission medium, an essential part of today's telecommunications. The talk will discuss some of the main characteristics and underlying theory for light propagation in a fiber optic medium. An application of current research interest, an Optical Fiber Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor, will be presented.


2. New Feature

We should call this New Feature Monday!  I've added a calendar to SASS's arsenal of methods of keeping you informed.  Now you can subscribe in your favorite calendar program (including iPhone/Blackberry/etc.)!  I recommend setting up your own Google Calendars on your Google account and then using that to sync to whatever you own.  But there are several ways to do it!

Instructions for (nearly) any setup:

You can find the calendar in the website under Upcoming.