Tuesday, June 1, 2010

SASS Talk: EXO-200, Wed. @ 12:30, Kavli 2nd Fl.


by Derek Mackay

June 2, 2010 @12:30, Kavli 2nd Fl. Conf. Rm.


EXO-200 (Enriched Xenon Observatory - 200kg) is a low-background underground double-beta decay experiment that contains 200kg of Xenon, isotopically enriched to 80% in Xenon-136. EXO-200 will measure both the scintillation light and the ionization signal of the Xenon decay in order to detect the as yet unobserved two neutrino double beta decay mode, which conserves lepton number, and to put a competitive limit on the rate of the zero neutrino double beta decay mode. EXO-200 is currently under 2000 meters water equivalent of overburden at the WIPP site in New Mexico and is undergoing final construction and commissioning.